Alles rund ums Thema HOUSE MUSIC jeden Dienstag abend ab 22 Uhr live auf (sowie immer freitags online auf ). Internationale Gast DJ Sets, Neuvorstellungen, Classics und eine bunte Mischung aus allen Zutaten von Deep bis Tech, von Progressive bis Groovy und von Tribal bis Minimal.
Everything about House Music every tuesday night live from 9pm GMT/ 22 Uhr Germany on (also uploaded to the online archive- every friday on International guest DJ sets, new tune introductions, classics and a mixed bag made of all those rich and tasty ingredients from Deep to Tech, from Proggy to Groovy and from Tribal to Minimal.
“Vorsprung Durch Techno”
jeden Mittwoch abend ab 21 Uhr LIVE auf . Gastgeber Christian Kionke in the mix mit wechselnden internationalen Gast DJs und der wöchentlichen Reise durch die Weiten, Tiefen und Höhen der elektronischen Tanzmusik- keine Grenzen, alle Styles und auch mal der Blick über den Tellerrand in Richtung Elektronica, Breakbeats und Dub.
Every Wednesday night from 8pm GMT (21 Uhr Germany) LIVE on Host Chris Kionke in the mix with various international guest DJs and the weekly journey through the widths, depths and highs of electronic dance music- no boundaries, all styles and also sometimes thinking outside the box towards Electronica, Breakbeats and Dub.
jeden Mittwoch abend ab 21 Uhr LIVE auf . Gastgeber Christian Kionke in the mix mit wechselnden internationalen Gast DJs und der wöchentlichen Reise durch die Weiten, Tiefen und Höhen der elektronischen Tanzmusik- keine Grenzen, alle Styles und auch mal der Blick über den Tellerrand in Richtung Elektronica, Breakbeats und Dub.
Every Wednesday night from 8pm GMT (21 Uhr Germany) LIVE on Host Chris Kionke in the mix with various international guest DJs and the weekly journey through the widths, depths and highs of electronic dance music- no boundaries, all styles and also sometimes thinking outside the box towards Electronica, Breakbeats and Dub.

Adam´s "Schocktherapy"
Schocktherapy usually takes place every 3rd friday of the month.
This showformat is Adams playground, blending multiple genres together-
That doesn’t mean that every genre WILL be played throughout the show, but
that everything is eligible and CAN be played. Mostly in a techy style, Adam
sometimes explores different grounds such as Swing, Mashups, Bootlegs, Breaks,
Dubstep, Triphop or Glitch.
Altogether, a jam-packed load of Schock- Adams Schock Therapy.
Showtime 3rd friday/ month 11pm GMT.
Showtime 3rd friday/ month 11pm GMT.
Every 2nd and 4th friday of the month, Adam plays shows consisting ONLY of
fresh and unreleased material from various labels all over the world.
Main genres are House and minimalistic Techno, but also Techhouse and tunes that flirt with a bit of mainstream appeal (only flirting with it, never really embracing it).
Main genres are House and minimalistic Techno, but also Techhouse and tunes that flirt with a bit of mainstream appeal (only flirting with it, never really embracing it).
To support the artist to the best of his abilities- and to provide as much
information as possible - Adam goes the extra mile and tweets the playlist and
detailed track IDs live and in realtime.
Showtime every 1st and 4th Friday/ month, 11pm GMT.
Showtime every 1st and 4th Friday/ month, 11pm GMT.
Please note:
showtimes may vary and are subject to change, depending on our scheduled live
gigs. Selected gigs may be
broadcasted live from the respective venue.